Main/News/Delegation from Myanmar Gets Acquainted with Belarusian Air Defence Capabilities

Delegation from Myanmar Gets Acquainted with Belarusian Air Defence Capabilities

In mid-February 2020, Belarus hosted a Myanmar military delegation led by Commander of the Air Defence Forces Lt. Gen. Tin Maung Win.

The guests visited a number of defence companies, got acquainted with their capabilities for the development, production, repair and modernisation of air defence systems.

As a part of the visit, a working meeting was held between Minister of State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko and the head of the Myanmar delegation. During the meeting, Roman Golovchenko emphasised that the Myanmar side received an objective view of our air defence capabilities according to the development of the agreements achieved during the 12th meeting of the Joint Belarusian-Myanmar Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation (25–26 November 2019, Naypyidaw). This was facilitated by a visit to the Belarusian defence enterprises.

The parties also exchanged views on the results of the implementation of joint air defence projects, as well as confirmed their mutual interest in the further development of cooperation. During the dialogue, the mutually beneficial bilateral relations, the availability of opportunities for joint work in a number of promising new areas related to air defence were noted.